Milking Farms Automation

Delmer Acid Detergent

Del Acid Detergent is a specialized cleaning solution that removes mineral deposits, hard water stains, and milk tone from dairy equipment, ensuring optimal hygiene and maintaining the integrity of your milking systems, which gives you the best option for hygienic solutions of dairy farming..

Key Features:
  • Targeted Acidic Formula: It dissolves and removes mineral deposits, scale, and residues in dairy equipment, such as milking machines and pipelines.
  • Calcium and Mineral Deposit Removal: It tackles hard water stains and calcium deposits, preventing build-up that can compromise the performance of milking equipment.
  • Enhanced Cleaning Power: Ensures removal of milk tone, proteins, and other residues that can harbour bacteria and affect the quality of milk and dairy products.
  • Equipment Compatibility: It is safe for use on stainless steel surfaces, milking equipment, and other materials commonly found in dairy farming operations.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for various dairy equipment, including milking machines, bulk tanks, and pasteurizers.
  • Safety and Compliance: Ensures that equipment is thoroughly cleaned without compromising the integrity of the dairy products.
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Application Areas:
  • Milking Machines: Effectively removes mineral deposits and residues from milking machine components.
  • Bulk Tanks and Pipes: Cleans and descales bulk tanks, pipelines, and other dairy processing equipment.
  • Stainless Steel Surfaces: Ideal for maintaining the cleanliness of stainless steel surfaces in dairy facilities.
Directions for Use:
  • Dilute Del Acid Detergent according to the recommended ratios based on the severity of scaling and soiling.
  • Apply the solution using suitable cleaning equipment or methods, ensuring thorough coverage. Rinse surfaces with clean water after cleaning.


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